

《頭城五漁鐵 slow coast》  行銷代言人


尋找40位具有校園影響力並活躍於社群媒體之五大洲國際學子成為《頭城五漁鐵 slow coast》國際踩線團員,規劃2天1夜主題性踩線遊程,走訪頭城五個漁村「外澳」、「梗枋」、「大溪」、「大里」、「石城」。
這21公里的海岸線展現地方豐厚的人文底蘊與地景風貌,是匯集自然與漁業的海岸、是休憩與低碳的海岸,也是故事的海岸。期待透過國際生之視角,將在地漫遊、海岸線慢活,使國際旅人的心靠岸,運用新媒體影像傳遞之形式,將 「頭城五漁鐵」  之美傳遞出去,成為最在地的行銷代言人 .ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ

《Slow Coast: the museum of mountain, sea, and fishing village culture》
We are looking for international students, who are influential on campus and active on social media to be our Slow Coast Marketing Ambassador. Within the two days trip, we will be visiting five fishing villages in Taiwan, naming: Waiao, Genfang, Daxi, Dali, and Shicheng.
This 21-kilometer coastline unveils the rich tapestry of local heritage and natural beauty. It is a convergence of nature and the fishing industry, a place of relaxation and sustainability, and most importantly, a shoreline brimming with stories.
We eagerly anticipate that, through the lens of international students, our coastal wanderings and slow-paced shoreline living will anchor the hearts of global travelers. Utilizing the form of new media imagery, we aim to transmit the beauty of the "Slow Coast" to the world, becoming the most authentic ambassadors of our locality.

我們正在尋找你 ( ˙˙)
✅ 是在臺就讀大專院校國際交換生
✅ 熱衷於文字 or 影片創作
✅ 具備經營FB及IG社群平台經驗

Requirements ( ˙˙)
 international students who studies in institution of higher education in Taiwan
 passionate about creative writing or video production
✅    obtain experiences of managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram

在臺國際生 代言人招募期程 ( ˙˙)
📆 報名期間:112/08/18(五) – 112/09/15(五)
📆 名單公布:112/09/19(二)
📆 行前會議:112/09/20(三)
📆 出團日期:112/09/23(六) – 112/09/24(日)

Recruitment Timeline ( ˙˙)
📆 Sign up:112/08/18 (Fri) – 112/09/15 (Fri)
📆 Admission List Announcement:112/09/20 (Wed)
📆 Pre-trip Meeting:112/09/20 (Wed)
📆 Trip to Slow Coast:112/09/23 (Sat) – 112/09/24 (Sun)

《頭城五漁鐵 slow coast》國際交換學生活動諮詢管道 ( ˙˙)

For more information:
🛎Line@ :https://lin.ee/X4hGKyW
🛎E-mail [email protected]
🛎Sign uphttps://forms.gle/PgGFZ2d4Z2eyPd9t6



A. 身分條件:具外國籍,年滿18歲以上,並於臺灣就讀大專院校之在學生。
B. 社群能量:具至少一個有內容、有潛力發展之社群平台(必須包含Facebook、Instagram),報名時須提出具體的內容經營主軸,並以追蹤數、後台觸及率等數據佐證做為加分條件。
C. 基礎短片製作經驗:過去曾參與短片演出、腳本撰寫、影片剪輯等經驗,報名時須提出過去參與方式與成果。



出發日期112/09/23(六) – 112/09/24(日)